abstract of lectures

BERLIN - Specialist congress

Moderation Panel Discussion Safety of fragrances

TORBOLE - Advanced training in sports medicine

Lecture: Interaction of skin and light in sun-exposed sports

Aromatherapy congress Austria in Vienna

Lecture: View on quality aspects of natural compounds

Naturkosmetik Camp – Oberjoch

Lecture – What`s left in the creme jar after one year after production ?

Society of Cosmetics Chemist- Suppiers Day - New York

Performance of natural antioxidant ingredients compared to BHT

in-cosmetics global - Webinar

Lecture - StoppOy a novel antioxdant blend

in-cosmetics global – London

Lecture: StoppOx a natural and better performing Antioxidant compared to synthetic BHT

Congress „Plant compounds – Science and their use“ in Ulm

Lecture: Scientific news on Aromatherapy and base oils

PRIMAVERA Academic Congress in Oy-Mittelberg/Allgäu

Lecture: Gas chromatography in Quality Control of Essential Oils

Aromatherapy congress Austria in Vienna

Lecture: In-vivo-Research about the effect of base oils


Lecture: Challenges on synthetic cosmetic ingredients

Swiss SCC – Swiss Society of Cosmetic Chemists in Davos Switzerland

Lecture: New evidence based cosmetically knowledge about old olfactory compound